Tuesday, October 22, 2024

3 Great Questions About The Rhinoplasty Procedure

Want to learn more about Rhinoplasty Procedure? The rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures across the United States. This is mainly due to the fact that the nose is a focal feature on any person’s face, and can greatly affect the way a person is perceived. A board certified facial plastic surgeon provides expert rhinoplasty results for all of his cosmetic procedure patients. Whether a patient is looking to reduce the size of their nose or eliminate the bump on the bridge of their nose, a cosmetic surgeon can provide them with the nose job results that they desire.

What Can Be Corrected Through a Rhinoplasty?

What Can Be Corrected Through a Rhinoplasty?

The rhinoplasty is an intricate cosmetic surgery that can be customized to fit your needs and preferences. Structural issues such as a deviated septum or hump on the nasal bridge can be corrected. The width of a person’s nostrils can be adjusted, and the tip of the nose can be refined. A person’s nose can be made smaller or more prominent, depending on their preferences. Ultimately, cosmetic surgeons work to provide patients with the nose that they should have been born with in the first place, ensuring that they look naturally beautiful again.

Am I a Good Candidate for this Rhinoplasty Procedure?

Most importantly, patients must be in good physical health before undergoing the rhinoplasty operation. They also should be emotionally stable, and the surgeon must confirm that they are having this surgery performed for the right reasons. It is essential that all rhinoplasty patients have a realistic expectation of the surgery results, and understand the limitations of the surgery.

How Can I Have a Rhinoplasty Performed by An Expert?

How Can I Have a Rhinoplasty Performed by An Expert?

The first step to having a cosmetic surgery performed by an expert cosmetic surgeon is to book a free cosmetic consultation. At this appointment, the surgeon will complete a physical examination and also a mental health examination. He will evaluate the structure of your nose and provide you with a recommendation of what he feels should be addressed during the surgery. He will work with you and determine if you are a good candidate for the operation before you book your surgical appointment.

Patients around the United States who opt to have the rhinoplasty procedure performed can expect the operation to last one to two hours, depending on the complexity of their operation. Revision procedures may take longer, up to three hours. The cosmetic surgeon will customize his surgical technique based on your personal needs and the ultimate goal of the surgery. For more information on the rhinoplasty procedure and what this facial plastic surgery can do for you, set up your cosmetic consultation today.

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