Should you consider doing more neck exercises? Sagging neck and jowls are two of the most common signs of aging, and for most people, they are inevitable. It is not surprising, considering most people spend their younger years pushing their bodies to the max while they spend all of their time working, playing, raising families, and pursuing their dreams. Eventually, time catches up, and they find that the skin around their neck and jowls is starting to droop.
Sagging Necks and Double Chins
Frequently folks look in the mirror or see a photograph of themselves and feel frustrated and disappointed at the images they see. A common sign of the aging process is a double chin, and people who see images of themselves with a double chin recognize the aging process at work and might even feel that there is nothing they can do. They’re wrong— there is a frequently requested cosmetic surgical procedure known as a neck lift that tightens excess skin around the neck. It is one of the most common procedures asked for by cosmetic surgical patients around the world.
Sagging neck and jowls are two of the most common signs of aging, and for most people, they are inevitable. It is not surprising, considering most people spend their younger years pushing their bodies to the max while they spend all of their time working, playing, raising families, and pursuing their dreams. Eventually, time catches up, and they find that the skin around their neck and jowls is starting to droop.

Finding the Right Cosmetic Surgeon
When selecting a cosmetic surgeon to perform cosmetic surgery, patients should investigate to make sure that a surgeon is board certified in cosmetic surgery, is experienced in the procedure they’re interested in, and should speak to patients of the surgeon who had the procedure done. Moreover, if you don’t know a patient who has had a neck lift done by that cosmetic surgeon, their office staff will be able to put you in touch with patients who are willing to talk about their surgical experience.
As highly-skilled, board-certified cosmetic surgeons often remind patients, it is important that patients are aware that a necklift is actually a combination of two procedures. Patients who have a neck lift almost always will have to have a traditional facelift simultaneously to prevent skin from bunching about the ears. The necklift surgery has two parts; the first is known as a cervicoplasty that removes excess skin; the second part of the procedure is known as a platysmaplasty that changes the neck muscles in order to provide an enhancement in the overall result.
The Necklift Procedure & Recovery
This procedure is usually done on patients between 40 and 70 years old. On some occasions, younger patients who are genetically programmed for a double chin will decide to have the surgery done as early as their 30s. The procedure takes approximately 2 hours unless other cosmetic surgeries are done at the same time. In that case, the time for surgery varies from patient to patient. Good candidates for this surgery are in excellent physical health and have excellent mental health. Furthermore, their expectations for the surgery are realistic, and the choice to have the surgery is their own.
Experienced cosmetic surgeons typically recommend that patients experiencing these aging symptoms have a facelift or necklift procedure. But many surgeons also note that there are exercises that can help patients maintain their post-surgical results.
3 Neck Exercise Ideas to Help with Sagging Neck & Jowls
Extending the Tongue
This exercise is a yoga technique and requires the person to stick out their tongue and say “aah” as if they were in the doctor’s office. Once the tongue is extended, the patient should take time to relax their face completely and subsequently remain in that position for about a minute. It is not easy, and sometimes it causes the eyes to water, but patients will find that by repeating this exercise, they will be able to firm up the skin that is underneath their chin.
Shoulder Shrugs
This is an exercise that is designed to work the Trapezius muscles, which are located on the neck, and which work to hold up a person’s head. A patient will firm up these muscles, reducing the impact of sagging skin around the neck by repeating the should shoulder shrug. At the same time, shoulder shrugs can be an excellent way to relieve stress, so it’s a win-win situation for the patient. To perform the exercise, patients should stand up and place their feet as far apart as their shoulders. Then, keeping a straight spine, they should shrug their shoulders, tighten and release the position. For the busy person, this exercise can easily be done while sitting in an office.
Kiss the Ceiling
This is another facial yoga stretch that is designed to target the sagging skin around the neck and jowls. To perform this exercise, the patient should stand up and tilt their head back toward the ceiling. They should make a kissing face and stretch toward the ceiling as if they are quite literally kissing the ceiling. The position should be held for 10 seconds before it should be released. This exercise targets the stabilizer muscles.
Consult an Experienced Cosmetic Surgeon
While all of these exercises are a safe and healthy option for any patient’s routine, it is important that every patient consults with their cosmetic surgeon before taking on an intensive new exercise program. These exercises might help minimize the impact of sagging skin around the face, but the only way to completely eliminate it is through a facelift procedure. Patients who want to, specifically, target this problem area might want to consider a mini facelift procedure as it is designed to work strictly on the lower portion of the face.
Professional cosmetic surgeons are available for a free consultation to discuss with you if this surgical procedure is the right option for you as the first step to becoming younger-looking.