Sunday, February 23, 2025

3 Facts to Personalized Neck Lift Results

The benefits of a neck lift cosmetic procedures may not always be immediately obvious. If you look in the mirror every day, it is hard to notice the changes in your facial appearance. Make no mistake, the time has affected your appearance, and you simply have not noticed. Daily changes take place so slowly that they go unnoticed. Now when you see a photo of yourself,  you become frustrated with what time has done to your appearance. Many people call the offices of board-certified cosmetic surgeons for a way to rejuvenate their appearance and get rid of their double chin.

You may not realize it, but your neck plays a significant role in how others view you and even how you view yourself. Over time, you will find that the aging process slowly but surely begins to hide your neck. Before you know it, you barely know it’s there — it’s covered by sagging skin around the jawline.

Experienced cosmetic surgeons recognize that this condition can have a negative impact on your own self-image as well as the way others view you. If you are experiencing these aging symptoms, it might be time to stop by a board-certified cosmetic surgeon’s office and discuss the possibility of having a neck lift performed.

Facts About the Neck Lift Procedure

Facts About the Neck Lift Procedure

It is ideal for women and men who are just beginning to show the initial signs of aging.

Most people opt to have a neck lift done in their 40s, but it can be performed on patients who are anywhere between the ages of 40 and 70 years old. Some patients opt to have a neck lift because they aren’t quite ready for a traditional facelift, but they still want to make improvements to their faces. Other patients choose this procedure as a complement to their facelift and other facial cosmetic surgeries. It can help to complete the transformation.

It is the combination of two plastic surgery procedures.

The first part of the surgery involves removing excess skin from the area. The second part of this surgical procedure will tighten the muscles in the neck and face. By tightening these muscles, an expert cosmetic surgeon ensures that the results will last for many years to come.

It is discrete, and it has a short recovery time.

The cosmetic surgery procedure uses tiny incisions for the neck lift, and this particular procedure boasts a relatively short recovery time. However, if any other cosmetic surgery procedures are performed at the same time, the recovery period could be longer. The surgeon will give you an accurate prediction for your recovery process during your consultation.

Who Seeks Cosmetic Surgeons for Neck Lifts?

A board-certified plastic surgeon is someone who has done uncountable facelift procedures and other cosmetic surgical procedures. Many of your neighbors might have had a procedure known as a neck lift done by a cosmetic surgeon. The neck lift is a procedure that is usually done at the same time as a facelift. The neck lift is normally done on patients aged 40 to 70 years old.

Sometimes, cosmetic surgeons will do a neck lift on a younger patient who is genetically predisposed to develop a double chin as early as their thirties. The neck lift procedure takes about two hours, but when combined with other procedures such as a facelift, the surgeon will take longer. The exact time varies by patient.

Combining Facelifts and Neck Lifts

Most patients opt to have a facelift performed at the same time. For many patients, the best way to complete the neck lift is by also having a facelift performed. Unless a patient is experiencing only signs of aging around their neck, it often helps to complete the look and finalize the results.

Recovery takes up to one week, after which you may return to work or your normal daily routine. Most patients have an unremarkable recovery, but the cosmetic surgeon will prescribe oral pain medication to help with any minor discomfort you may encounter.

Suppose you are interested in a neck lift or other procedures such as a facelift, then you have to be in top health – both physically and mentally. You need to have a reasonable expectation of your surgical results. While cosmetic procedures can aid you in looking younger and feeling more confident and even boost your self-esteem, you cannot expect it to solve all your problems. A cosmetic procedure will not alter the core of your personality.

Consulting a Cosmetic Surgeon for Best Results

Consulting a Cosmetic Surgeon for Best Results

The neck lift procedure is designed to, specifically, address the sagging skin that occurs at the jawline. No other procedure can have this kind of impact on this problem area. Not even injectable fillers such as Restylane or RADIESSE can help to fix the issue of excess skin around the neck. If this is a trouble spot for you personally, the time might be now to consider a neck lift procedure. Many board-certified cosmetic surgeons are experts in this procedure, as well as many other facial cosmetic surgeries. 

A board-certified cosmetic surgeon and their entire team will dedicate their time to a great result that will be reached through careful planning, excellent medical care, and careful discretion. Their office staffs are very friendly and are happy to arrange a free consultation for you when you call. They are sure to provide you with an honest assessment, and they will not recommend additional procedures that are not necessary. For more information, set up your consultation appointment today.

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