Sunday, March 9, 2025

Defeat Aging Necks with 2 Popular Procedures

Sagging necks are common for many people, but with neck lift and neck liposuction procedures, they can be addressed. As people get older, they expect that their bodies will start to change. Some physical activities will take longer and require more exertion, and years of working hard start to take their toll on their appearance.

While many people anticipate that lines and wrinkles will begin to form on their faces, they do not expect to develop a double chin simply because they are getting older. However, sagging skin around the neck, jowls, and cheeks can often lead to the double chin condition, and patients are frustrated by how difficult it is to deal with at the time. Diet and exercise often have no impact on the excess skin and fatty tissue, but professional cosmetic surgeons want people to know there are cosmetic procedures designed to, specifically, address this aging symptom.

Neck Lift

Neck Lift

The neck left is a great complement to a facelift or mini facelift procedure and is becoming an increasingly popular choice for prospective cosmetic surgery patients. Prospective patients love the fact that they can quickly and easily eliminate the appearance of their double chin, allowing them to appear younger, more confident, and more attractive.

The neck lift is actually two cosmetic surgeries combined into one procedure. The first step is called a cervicoplasty, and this procedure is designed to remove the excess skin that has formed in the area. After the cervicoplasty is complete, a platysmaplasty is performed. The platysmaplasty tightens the muscles in the neck in order to maintain the new look. It is important that anyone who opts to have a neck lift done has a facelift or mini facelift at the same time in order to prevent unsightly bunching of the skin at the earlobes.

The ideal candidate for this surgery is a person who is starting to age and has excess skin around the neck area. Most patients are between the ages of 40 and 70 years old, but some patients are genetically predisposed to the double chin condition and might opt to have a neck lift performed in their 30s. Patients can expect the neck lift procedure to take about two hours, but as other surgeries are often performed at the same time, the total operation time can be longer. The specific length of time varies by patient and procedure that is being done. If you are interested in looking both younger and slimmer, set up a free consultation appointment today.

Neck Liposuction

Neck Liposuction

Liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure that removes fatty tissue from beneath the skin. While most people are familiar with the term, they often believe that liposuction is only for belly fat. That’s not true, and a skilled plastic surgeon often performs neck liposuction procedures for prospective patients that seek them out. This procedure is a frequent choice for patients because of its relative ease. Yet, the results have a major impact on your overall facial appearance.

As you get older, you begin developing fatty layers under the skin along your cheekbone and neck. After a few years, your face looks fuller and rounder and can make you seem older than you actually are. Unfortunately, the fat found in these areas does not respond completely to diet and exercise. In order to remove this stubborn fatty layer, many call on expert cosmetic surgeons. Liposuction is usually performed using local anesthesia. It usually takes surgeons about 30 minutes to perform the procedure using very specialized liposuction techniques.

The major benefits of this procedure are twofold. First, it is a very discreet procedure with quite a rapid recovery time. A highly skilled plastic surgeon can make tiny incisions, and once the procedure is finished, no one will even be able to tell that you had liposuction done. In just hours,  you can return to work or go back to your daily routine looking both younger and thinner. To help speed up recovery, many cosmetic surgeons use PRP, also known as Platelet Rich Plasma. This is a technique developed by cosmetic surgeons that uses natural growth factors from your own body to speed the healing process.

If you are interested in having a neck liposuction procedure, you need to be in good physical and mental health. In addition, your expectations for the procedure must be realistic. While it is true that you will look younger and thinner, which may help boost your confidence and self-esteem, cosmetic procedures are unable to change any person’s core personality traits. Also, it is important that you want to do this procedure for yourself and not to please someone else.

For more information on neck liposuction, facelift, or other cosmetic options, call a board-certified cosmetic surgeon’s office to set up an appointment for a free consultation.

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