Saturday, March 29, 2025

3 Critical Factors for Facelift Candidates

Many patients who are researching their cosmetic surgery options want to know which procedures are right for them at that point in time. Some procedures, such as the rhinoplasty, have a minimum age requirement due to the developmental progress of the nose. Other plastic surgery procedures, like the facelift, require patients to be experiencing specific aging symptoms before the operation can be performed. This ensures that a person gets the most natural results possible.

In order to ensure that each patient gets the results that they desire out of a facelift procedure, the cosmetic surgeon also has to make sure that each patient is determined to be a good candidate for the surgery.

Patients need to trust their doctors to be experts in the facelift procedure. To earn that trust, a professional cosmetic surgeon also must do their due diligence in determining candidacy before taking on a case. Unfortunately, not every physician takes the time to confirm if a patient is a good candidate for a procedure. Still, a professional cosmetic surgeon will perform this essential step in the process.

The Ideal Facelift Candidate

The ideal candidate for the facelift procedure is in their middle ages and has just started showing signs of aging. Some of these signs include sagging skin around the cheeks, neck, and jowls. It is also vital that a person considering this procedure has a well-defined bone structure, so the surgeon has a good guideline as they are performing the lift. In addition to being an excellent physical candidate, patients should also be mentally stable.

Patients need to have realistic expectations of any surgical procedure, especially cosmetic procedures. It is essential to realize that while a facelift will rejuvenate your face, allowing you to look full of youth, life and vitality once again, it will not prevent the aging process from occurring in the future. It will simply refresh your current look and slow down aging for a short period of time.

It is important to realize that every person is going to age differently and at different times. For instance, a person who spent much of their life outdoors in the beautiful sun is going to find that their skin starts to wrinkle earlier than some of their friends who worked in an office every day for 35 years. Therefore, there is no right or wrong age for a facelift, but in order to confirm facelift candidacy, a patient has to meet several criteria.

Initial Aging Symptoms

Criteria for Facelift Candidacy

Initial Aging Symptoms

Most patients will begin to show signs of aging in their late 30s or early 40s. Anytime between the age of 40 and 70 is an ideal time to have a facelift procedure, as long as the skin is beginning to show some laxity. Sagging skin around the cheeks and jowls, frown lines, and crow’s feet are all signs that you might be a good candidate for a facelift procedure.

Well-defined Bone Structure in the Face

An expert cosmetic surgeon wants to make sure that everyone who leaves their practice looks like a natural, younger version of their old self. In order to provide these natural results, the best patients have a defined facial bone structure, one that serves as a good outline for the facelift procedure. Therefore, a patient’s facial structure is evaluated at an initial consultation appointment.

Previous surgical procedures

Any previous surgical procedures need to be discussed with the cosmetic surgeon so that they know how to craft their own custom surgical plan. For instance, a patient who is interested in a revision facelift needs to inform the surgeon of what worked and what did not work during the primary facelift procedure.

Finding the Right Facial Plastic Surgeon

Finding the Right Facial Plastic Surgeon

Good candidates for this procedure should make an effort to find an expert facial plastic surgeon. You will want to work with a doctor who is board-certified and well accomplished in his field. The most accomplished cosmetic surgeons have even pioneered many different surgical procedures and techniques that have provided patients with more natural-looking results and shorter recovery times. Take the time to choose a surgeon you are comfortable with and one that you feel really listens to what you are looking for out of the surgery. A trusted cosmetic surgeon gets to know each patient on a personal level during a series of consultation appointments.

Some patients feel frustrated by the fact that they must be determined a good candidate for the procedure, but it is essential to realize that this is done in the patient’s best interest. A trustworthy cosmetic surgeon is not out simply to earn money from every person who wants a cosmetic procedure. They truly want to work with the right patients for the right reasons, which ensures that they get the best results possible from their patients.

In short, there is no right or wrong time to have a facelift procedure done. Some patients are genetically predisposed to unfortunate aging symptoms and may need a facelift to be performed during their 30s. Other patients are blessed and do not see a wrinkle on their faces until they are 60 years old. These factors vary greatly based on the individual’s genetic makeup as well as the environment in which they live, work, and play. Most patients are in their middle ages, but a professional cosmetic surgeon will take the time to evaluate individual factors during a free consultation appointment, which is the very first step in the process.

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